Tanya Woo

Progress For Every Neighborhood


Why I’m running….
Seattle can’t go backwards

I was born and raised in Seattle, and I’ve always been inspired by the strength of our communities. I got involved because I saw what we’ve all seen: our leaders have stopped truly listening to the people. The results, especially on public safety and homelessness, have harmed us all. It’s harmed our most vulnerable the most.

As Councilmember, I work for a Seattle where the community’s voice is at the center of decisions again. I work for a Seattle that
actually delivers basic promises on public safety and homelessness.

This election presents a clear choice.

My opponent backs policies that would take Seattle backward and don’t align with what most Seattleites want. As your City Councilmember, I am committed to standing with the community, delivering progress that reflects our shared values.

To learn about the contrast in this election,
read below.

Meet Tanya

  • Family

    5th generation Seattleite rooted in community, family, and connection.

  • Service

    My family has been dedicated to Public Service for our community and the impacts of policies.

  • Progress

    Through my work at Night Watch, we help move neighborhoods forward with direct action.

  • Solutions

    Tanya is an affordable housing provider where no one pays more than they can afford.

For years, Seattle’s leaders ignored the voices of its people.

They failed to act on public safety and homelessness, leaving too many seniors afraid to go downtown and too many neighborhoods struggling with encampments.

My opponent would take us back to these failed policies. I’m committed to moving Seattle forward with practical, compassionate solutions. Here’s the choice in this election:

  • I support fully funding police response. My opponent opposes police hiring goals and believes we should scale back recruiting—even though 911 calls already go unanswered.

  • In the last 9 months, City Council passed nine key public safety bills. My opponent opposes many of them, including Seattle’s new drug law that helps address open-air drug use.

  • I believe our homelessness system needs serious reform. My opponent oversaw KCRHA’s disastrous five-year plan, which alienated suburban cities and failed to unify regional efforts.

  • I support a balanced approach to encampments, with more social workers and treatment. But my opponent opposes current encampment policies—which would bring unsafe camps back to parks like Green Lake.

Seattle can’t afford a return to failed, extreme policies. We need leaders with real connections to the community who will make Seattle safer and stronger. Let’s move forward together. I’m asking for your vote—Tanya Woo for City Council, Position 8.

There’s a big difference in this election.

Our Vision For Seattle

  • Housing

  • Safe Neighborhoods

  • Transportation

  • Sustainable Climate

  • Arts & Culture

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